Sunday 6 November 2016

What are the best examples of "Humans will be Humans"?

This is a story told by my mother when I was very little but it left a lasting impression on me.

Once there was an old Pandit (Brahmin,Priest). He was very poor. So much so that he had to go door to door to ask for Alms.

People used to bang their doors on him. Because he was poor, he wore very worn out clothes and he was very ill looking. People never liked him around their house.

One day, a merchant from another village was travelling and he came across this Pandit. Pandit asked him for alms. Seeing a Pandit as a good omen he gave him food and also a new dhoti (a traditional cloth for men).

The Pandit had a very peaceful night sleep under the tree after a good meal.

The next day, he took bath in the river and wore the new dhoti. He went again to the village for alms.

The first door he knocked on was of the man who shunned him away 2 days ago. That man, seeing the Pandit in an improved look, welcomed him and made him sit with himself to eat.

When the meal was served, Pandit made a thanking prayer to the God. Then he took the sweet and started to tell his dhoti "Eat, please! Dhoti Eat! ".

That man was shocked to see this and asked the Pandit  "what are you doing?"

Pandit answered "you closed your door on me that day but today you invited me in here with so much of warmth, all because of this dhoti so I am thanking it by offering the sweet".

The man became ashamed of himself and immediately realized his mistake.

don't tell you the morals of this story.

But I think we observe the human nature here really well.

Like the man, don't we all judge people on the basis of their appearance?

Analysing a person's personality and property (clothes, mobiles, cars) and then forming an opinion is something that is common among us all.

And thus , we all Humans will be Humans!

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