What happens in sleep? You lose consciousness by and by. There comes an interval period in which you dream. Dreaming means half-conscious, half-unconscious; just on the midway, moving towards total unconsciousness; from your waking state you are moving to total unconsciousness. On the path dreams exist. Dreams mean only that you are half-awake and half-asleep. That's why, if you dream continuously the whole night, you feel tired in the morning. And if you are not allowed to dream, then too you will feel tired -- because dreams exist for a certain reason.
In your waking hours you accumulate many things: thoughts, feelings, incomplete matters hang in the mind. You looked at a beautiful woman on the road and suddenly a desire arose in you. But you are a man of character, manners, civilized; you simply push it down, you will not look at it, you will go on with your work -- an incomplete desire hangs around you. It has to be completed, otherwise you will not be able to fall into deep sleep. It will pull you back again and again. It will say, "Come up! That woman was really beautiful, her body had a charm. And you are a fool, what are you doing here? Seek her -- you have missed an opportunity!"
The desire hanging there will not allow you to fall into sleep. The mind creates a dream: again you are on the road, the beautiful woman passes, but this time you are alone without any civilization around you. No manners are needed, no etiquette is needed. You are like an animal, you are natural, no morality. This is your own private world; no police constable can enter into it, no judge can judge it. You are simply alone, there will not be even a witness. Now you can play with your lust: you will have a sexual dream. That dream completes the hanging desire, then you fall into sleep. But if you continuously dream, then too you will feel tired.
If your dreams are not allowed.... In the United States they have many sleep labs, and they have come to discover this phenomenon: if a person is not allowed to dream, within three weeks he will go mad. If he is awakened again and again whenever he starts dreaming.... There are visible signs. When a person starts dreaming you can awake him. Particularly his eyelids start fluttering fast; that means he is seeing a dream. When he is not seeing a dream his eyelids rest, because when he starts seeing a dream his eyes are functioning. Awake him and do this the whole night -- whenever he starts dreaming, awake him. Within three weeks he will go mad.
Sleep doesn't seem to be so necessary. If you awake a person... whenever he is not dreaming awake him: he will feel tired, but he will not go mad. What does it mean? It means dreams are a necessity for you. You are such... you are so illusory, your whole existence is such an illusion -- what Hindus have called MAYA -- that dreams are needed. Without dreams you cannot exist: dreams are your food, dreams are your strength, without dreams you will go mad. Dreams are a release of madness, and once the release happens you fall into sleep.
From waking you fall into dreaming and from dreaming you fall into sleep. Every night a normal person has eight cycles of dreaming, and just a few moments between two dreaming cycles he has of deep sleep. In that deep sleep all consciousness disappears, it is absolutely dark. But still you are near the boundary, any emergency will awake you. The house is on fire, you will have to run back to your waking consciousness; or you are a mother and the child starts crying, you will run, rush, towards waking -- so you remain on the boundary. You fall into deep darkness, but remain on the boundary.
In death you fall exactly to the center. Death and sleep are similar, the quality is the same. In sleep, every day, you fall into darkness, complete darkness; that means you completely become unconscious, the very opposite pole of Buddhahood. A Buddha is totally awakened, and every night you fall to total unawakened state, absolute darkness.
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
EmaiL: jagadeeshkri@gmail.com
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APRIL 3, 2014
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
EmaiL: jagadeeshkri@gmail.com
Web: http://www.pinterest.com/jagadeeshkri/books-worth-reading/
Web: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/275-9424466-2127042?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
Web: http://www.amazon.co.jp /s/ref=nb_sb_noss/378-4986394-6216105?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
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11:18AM | URL: http://tmblr.co/Zm1NQp1B-4a8y
APRIL 3, 2014