Tuesday 1 April 2014


Only freedom can be misused, slavery cannot be misused. That's why you see so much chaos in the world today. It has never been there before for the simple reason that man was not so free. You see more chaos in America than in Russia for the simple reason that in Russia people are not free to choose. In America they are enjoying the greatest freedom that has ever been enjoyed anywhere in the world at any time in history. Whenever there is freedom chaos erupts, but that chaos is worth it because only out of that chaos are stars born.
God is the creator and the only prayer is to be creative, because it is only through creativity that you participate in God; there is no other way to participate. God has not to be thought about, you have to participate in some way. You cannot be an observer, you can only be a participant; only then will you taste the mystery of it. Creating a painting is nothing, creating a poem is nothing, creating music is nothing compared to creating yourself, creating your consciousness, creating your very being.
But people have been afraid, and there are reasons to be afraid. The first is: it is risky, because only you are responsible. Secondly: the freedom can be misused, because you can choose the wrong thing to be. Freedom means you can choose the right or the wrong; if you are only free to choose the right, it is not freedom.
This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals Its own form.
.The consciousness within you and the existence without you are not separate -- it is all one. The Upanishads are not knowledgeable, the Upanishads are not statements of wise guys, not like the great Murphy. Look at his sutras:
The great Murphy, the wise guy, says: The secret of success is sincerity -- once you can fake that, you have got it made.
To err is human -- to blame it on someone else is even more human.
If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy man -- he will find an easier way to do it.
The one who snores will fall asleep first.
Most people deserve each other.
Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.
Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral, fattening or married.
If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on.
Now this great Murphy has reminded me of the bathroom, so excuse me, please....!
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
EmaiL: jagadeeshkri@gmail.com
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