Monday 8 September 2014

Psychic Power Awakening Mantra Meditation Techniques | EventsHigh

Psychic Power Awakening Mantra Meditation Techniques | EventsHigh

மந்திரம் பெற்ற வழிமுறை மாலாங்கன்
இந்திரன் சோமன் பிரமன் உருத்திரன்
கந்துருக் காலாங்கி கஞ்ச மலையனோடு
இந்த எழுவரும் என்வழி யாமே.
This psychic power Awakening techniques
very powerful techniques using the Mantras, This is the three days
event, daily only 1:30 minutes, whom wanted to participate this event
contact directly and meet me directly, others not allowed this event.
Male and Female all are welcome. only selected people are allowed this
event others not allowed. .
We first consider this body nature and its consisting 22 chakras which
is start from human Legs to Human head, at 11 chakras and another eleven
chakras is consisting about the head and reverse with the body in out
circle. I will explain how can we practice this all chakras can be
activated I mostly use the methods is some mixing methods which is
awaken your biological psychological and soul nature. Therefore I am
here consisting biological practice in 22 and afterwards I will consist
the psychological then I will consist soul factor or spiritual factor.
In between I will consist the methods which are also given one super
natural power. I will slowly explain this all things basic to baseless.
Basically first Biological Chakaras which is known to the Seven Chakras
but tantric used the Eleven chakras which is follow:
1. The Artha Padma Chakra which is situated by Mid of the Two legs Palms
in half on one foot and another half on one foot.
2. The Artha Ramya Chakaras which is situated by mid of the two legs or
knees half in one leg and another half in one leg.
3. The next one is Moolathar Chakara which is situated in Starting Point
of the Spinal Card or situated inside of the Anus.
4. The next one is Swatistana Chakaras which is situated by Third Spinal
Card bone or the inside the testes or Sexual Glands.
5. The Next One is Manipuraka Chakaras which is located the Fifth spinal
Card borne or inside of the navel or mid point
6. The Next is Artha Chandra Chakaras which is located in your two hand
palms and this point is located in side of the seventh spinal card or
above 2inches in the Navel point to below the two inches of the Heart
7. The next is Anakatha Chakaras its is Ninth spinal card bone or inside
of the heart.
8. The next is Visuithi Chakaras it’s located by eleventh Spinal card or
below the neck and spinal card midpoint it’s located inside of the
vocal card.
9. The next is Artha Krishna Chakaras which is located by Two Eye bolls
10. The Next is Anjna Chakras which is located by pineal glands or mid
of the eye brow inside one and half inch inside.
11. The Last or End of the Biological chakras which is located by the
mid of the head inside one and half inches.
These all the eleven
chakras is located in the Biological Body inside and another Eleven
chakras is located out of the Biological body and mingle with each
chakras which is called negative chakras I will explain this chakras
later. Because I am here first given the practices how can induce the
biological chakras first then I will explain how can induce the outer
chakras or negative chakras.
Jagadeesh krishnan PhD Psy.
Psychologist and International Author
Mobile:+91-9841121780, 9543187772, 9171617660
Land Line: 91-44-3346 0196 

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