If you are trying to shed weight, you might want to know some of the most delicious low calorie foods to incorporate into your daily diet. While it’s crucial to consume enough calories, it’s always great to know some low calorie snack options. The problem with low calorie foods is that they are usually tasteless. But these eight foods are not only tasty, but healthy as well. They are plentiful in essential nutrients your body needs to function properly, and they make perfect on-the-go snacks.
1. Strawberries
Strawberries top this list of the most delicious low calorie foods because they have loads of health benefits and contain only 53 calories per cup. These berries are so versatile that you can use them in any drink and meal you love. Strawberries are low in sugar and high in powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C. They make a sweet, healthy snack and can satisfy any sweet tooth. You can add some strawberries to your oatmeal, yogurt and fruit salad, use in your smoothies and add a few sliced berries to your water. Or, you can make a strawberry pie or strawberry cupcakes.
2. Red bell peppers
I’m a huge fan of red bell peppers. I can eat them raw all day long instead of apples and salads. Red bell peppers help me to satiate my sweet tooth and feel full longer. One red bell pepper contains about 40 calories, making it an excellent food for dieters. Red bell peppers are high in Vitamin C, fiber, and contain only 1 gram of sugar. Whether you are trying to lose weight or just want to stay slim and healthy, red bell peppers must be added to your daily diet. You can eat them raw or use in your salads, soups and stir-fries. As an added bonus, red bell peppers give you perfect skin.
3. Cucumbers
What I love most about cucumbers is that they have salty and sweet flavors at the same time. They contain only 16 calories per cup and are 94% water content, which means they help you stay hydrated, active and healthy. Cucumbers are a good source of potassium, B vitamins, Vitamin C and fiber. They also contain mineral silica that is good for your hair, skin, and nails. Use them in salads, soups, smoothies, sandwiches or eat them raw. I also add a few slices of cucumber to my water to make it tastie
4. Spinach
Every time you make a salad or your favorite sandwich, consider adding some spinach to it. A cup of spinach contains about 20 calories, no fat, and it’s an excellent source of protein, fiber, calcium, B vitamins and Vitamin C. Moreover, spinach contains 100% of your daily Vitamin A needs, 25% of your daily iron needs, and 30% your daily magnesium requirement. It’s also high in chlorophyll that helps keep your cells healthy. Unlike many bitter and tasteless greens, spinach has a buttery, sweet taste that can make any meal more delicious. I add spinach to my morning smoothie and lunch salad, and use it in stir-fries and soups.
5. Grape tomatoes
In fact, any tomatoes are delicious, but grape tomatoes are delightfully delicious! Plus, they are low in calories – one grape tomato contains about 5 calories. Grape tomatoes contain natural sugars, making them a tasty snack to satisfy your sweet tooth. Grape tomatoes are also high in fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, and lycopene. There are many ways to use grape tomatoes (let me know your favorite ones!) to reap all its health benefits and improve your weight loss. I love to eat them raw and add to my salads, gazpacho, and veggie pizza.
6. Carrots
Although carrots contain sugar, it’s still one of the best
low calorie foods to add to your daily
diet. The thing is, carrots contain natural sugar that won’t cause weight gain. Carrots contain only 25 calories per cup, and they are fortified with Vitamin A and fiber. Eating carrots helps keep your eyes and skin healthy, boost your immune system, and increase your energy levels. Cooked or raw, carrots are super delicious! You can add them to soups, pies, salads or make carrot noodles or
carrot chips. Don’t forget about delis
carrot juice!
7. Romaine lettuce
Eating healthy is not as expensive as many people think. You just need to make smart food choices. Romaine lettuce is a cheap and tasty low calorie food that anyone can afford to buy. It contains only 30 calories per cup and is high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which are good for your heart health and immune system. Romaine lettuce is usually used in salads, but you can also add it to your smoothie instead of kale. A light and sweet flavor is guaranteed!
8. Oatmeal
To tell the truth, a few years ago I couldn’t even think of eating oatmeal for breakfast, until I found out that it’s one of the healthiest low calorie foods I can enjoy each day without worrying about extra calories. Oatmeal is rich in protein and fiber and contains only 170 calories per 1/2 cup. It’s also a wonderful source of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast tospeed up your metabolism and feel full for at least 3 hours. Just make sure you don’t add anything that can make your oatmeal unhealthy. Avoid adding sugar and honey to your oatmeal, opt for some berries instead.
Now that you know some of the most delicious low calorie foods, it’s time to make some crucial changes to your diet in order to reach your weight loss goals faster and improve your overall health. Remember, you need to consume enough calories each day so make sure you incorporate some of the most nutritious foods into your eating plan. So, ladies, what are your favorite low calorie foods and how do you like to use them? Share your ideas and recipes with us please!
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