Friday 2 January 2015

Hamas-funded Muslim convicted of planning and financing Israeli teens’ abduction and murder

Hamas-funded Muslim convicted of planning and financing Israeli teens’ abduction and murder

The President of the United States had agreed to work with Hamas, the terrorist group behind the kidnapping. It was shortly after the Obama administration agreed to work with the Hamas-Fatah government that the schoolboys were kidnapped and murdered. For this alone, the saboteur should be impeached.
“IDF Convicts Leader of Israeli Teens’ Abduction, Murder,” by Tova Dvorin, Arutz Sheva, December 31, 2014:
Murdered (L to R): Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha'ar, Naftali Frenkel
Murdered (L to R): Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha’ar, Naftali Frenkel
courtesy of the families

The IDF military court has convicted the ringleader of the terror cell behind the abduction and murder of Israeli teens Gilad Sha’ar, Eyal Yifrah, and Naftali Frenkel in June, Channel 10 reports Wednesday.
Hussam Hassan Kawasmeh, of Hevron, was convicted of planning and financing the teens’ murder, and he owned the plot of land in which the murdered teens’ bodies were discovered. Kawasmeh admitted to receiving funding from Hamas.
A joint arrest operation between the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the police nabbed Hussam Hassan Kawasmeh in July.
Hussam’s interrogation revealed that he had played a fundamental part in the kidnapping, and served as its mastermind and overall coordinator. Among other things, he secured some 200,000 shekels from his Gaza-based brother and Hamas operative Mahmoud Kawasmeh to fund the attack, and used part of that money to purchase the car used in the abductions. That car was later found burned out near Hevron.
The money was also used to buy weapons – two pistols and two assault rifles – which were given to Marwan Kawasmeh prior to the attack. Hussam received those weapons from another Hamas terrorist in Hevron, Adnan Mohammed Azzat Zaro.
Also under interrogation, it was revealed that immediately after the murders Marwan went to Hussam, who helped him to take the bodies to a field the latter had purchased several month before in preparation for the killings. After burying the bodies in a shallow grave, he then helped two other killers – Marwan and Amar Abu-Eisha, who were eliminated by the Shin Bet in September – to find a place to hide.
Kawasmeh had then been planning on fleeing to Jordan using false identification after the attacks, but was nabbed before he had the  chance.
According to the JTA, he had also previously had served six years in an Israeli prison for his involvement in Hamas terror attacks

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