7 Hlthy Reasons to Munch on Pineberriesea
Want to try something unusual yet delicious today? Munch on pineberries, or white strawberries. Pineberries may be even healthier for you than red strawberries. They are a wonderful source of essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants, in addition to all the other incredibly healthy benefits they offer. You can snack on pineberries or use them in your yogurt, smoothies, and fruit salads. They can also be used in fruit pies in place of red strawberries. Here are seven reasons to munch on pineberries. You will be amazed by what these berries can do for you.
1. Improve your fiber intake
No matter what your diet is, you should always watch your fiber intake. Fiber keeps your digestive system healthy, helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body and prevent digestive problems and heart disease. Fiber helps keep you feeling full longer so if you are trying to get in shape or stay fit, adding pineberries to your meals will certainly help you reach your goal.
2. Prevent birth defects
If you are pregnant or planning to have a child, incorporating pineberries into your eating plancan help you prevent certain birth defects. The thing is, white strawberries are high in folate, one of the B vitamins that every woman should get regardless of her age. Even if you are not planning to have a child this year, it’s definitely worth eating pineberries to improve yourhealth today.
3. Boost your antioxidant intake
People are aware of all the powerful benefits of antioxidants, but not all of us are aware of the best sources of them. Pineberries are high in antioxidants that help lower oxidation in the body, preventing some serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Eat fresh pineberries to boost your antioxidant intake.
4. Increase your vitamin A intake
Vitamin A plays a crucial role in bone growth, vision, and health of your immune system. It also helps protect your teeth and gums. Pineberry is an excellent source of vitamin A and it’s one of the most important reasons to snack on some today. Add a few berries to plain water or smoothie to reap all the health benefits pineberries boast.
5. Keep your energy levels high
Pineberries do contain a great amount of carbs but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid eating them if you are watching your weight. Although carbs are known to increase weight gain, they are good for you when you get them from the healthy foods like white strawberries. Carbs that are found in pineberries help boost your energy levels naturally.
6. Strengthen your immune system
Pineberries are one of the best sources of vitamin C that helps strengthen your immune system. When your immunity is strong, your body fights off bacteria, germs, and virusesfaster. Using some white strawberries in your desserts or smoothies may help keep your immune system running strong, which means you can say goodbye to cold and flu and a number of other diseases.
7. Boost your heart health
Pineberries are fortified with many essential nutrients, including potassium that is vital for your heart health. Potassium helps keep your blood pressure under control. Low blood pressure can lead to a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm, muscle cramps and heart attacks, while high blood pressure can lead to ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. Doesn’t it sound like a good reason to munch on some pineberries today?
Now that you are aware of the health benefits of pineberries what are you waiting for? Go grocery shopping and be sure to load your cart with white strawberries. They are versatile, healthy and oh-so delicious,
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