Friday 9 May 2014


The word 'Tao' essentially means 'the Way'. Nothing can be said about the goal. The goal remains elusive, inexpressible, ineffable. But something can be said about the Way. Hence, Taoists have never used the word 'God', 'truth', NIRVANA, no; they simply use the word 'Way'. Buddha says, 'Buddhas can only show you the Way. If you follow the path, you will reach to the truth.' Truth will have to be your own experience. Nobody can define the truth, but the Way can be defined; the Way can be made clear. The Master cannot give you the truth, but the Master can give you the Way. And once the Way is there then all that is needed is to walk on it. That has to be done by the disciple.
I cannot walk for you, and I cannot eat for you. I cannot live for you, and I cannot die for you. These things have to be done by oneself. But I can show the Way, I have walked on the Way.
Tao simply means 'the Way'.
And the definition is beautiful.
Lu-tsu says, 'That which exists by itself, that which needs nobody else's support, that which has always existed whether you walk on it or not...' Whether anybody walks on it or not does not matter, it always exists. In fact, the whole existence follows it unknowingly. If you can follow it knowingly your life will become a great blessing. If you follow it unknowingly, then you will go on stumbling, then you cannot enjoy it as it should be enjoyed.
A man can be brought into the garden, and he may be unconscious. He4 may be drunk or he may be in a coma or under the impact of chloroform. He can be brought into the garden. He is unconscious. The songs of the birds will be heard by his ears, but he will not know. And the fragrance of the flowers will come riding on the breeze to his nostrils, but he will not know. And the sun will shine on him and will shower light on him, but he will not know. And the breeze will caress him, but he will not know. And you can put him under the shade of a big tree and the coolness of it, but he will not know. That's how man is.
We ARE in Tao, because where else can we be? To live is to be on the Way. To live is to live in God. To breathe is to breathe in God. Where else can we be? But just as the fish lives in the ocean and is completely oblivious of the ocean, we are living in Tao and are completely oblivious of Tao. In fact, it is so obvious, that's why we are so oblivious. The fish knows the ocean so well... the fish is born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not aware of it. We are on the Way, we are in God, we live in Tao, through Tao, but we are not aware of it.
The Tao exists, because without the Tao trees will not grow, and stars will not move, and th- blood will not circulate, and the breath will not come in. Life will disappear.
Life is possible only if there is a fundamental law holding it. Life is possible only if there is something that supports it. Look at the immense order in existence. It is not a chaos, it is a cosmos. What makes it a cosmos? Why is there so much harmony? There must be a law that keeps the harmony going, flowing, keeps everything in accord. But we don't know about it. We don't know. anything about our own being, and we are joined through our being with Tao.
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APRIL 3, 2014

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