Sunday 5 January 2014

Femen international photo

When FEMEN speaks about religion is not speaking of believers, speaks about an oppressive ideology, a structure of power which interferes in society and also in the political development of the different States. The image of religion must change within the global thinking, this modern interpretation where even atheists defend religion as something respectable owes its existence to the double game that exert their mechanisms. Religions are able to play the role of victim to it is an oppressive element that spreads ideas about hate to all the things wich are out of the religious path: women, other religions, and all sexuality who rejects reproduction. Religion kills and takes killing through holy wars, moral laws as Sharia or armies of persecution as the Inquisition. The best weapon of religion today, are all those faithful people who extolled in their faith access to politic through the power of their Church. Those are who come to the governments, that's how religion dominate people under their ideology of terror and hate. /// Photos of the protest in support of Amina (FEMEN Tunisia) that spiritual leaders of Islam was sentenced to death./ April 2013

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