Saturday 4 January 2014

jagadeesh krishnan

Why did i get married to a woman who hates me? i hate her too.

  How am I supposed to know why you got married to a woman YOU hate and who hates you? Maybe -- this is just a guess -- you got married because you hate each other.
There are two types of marriages: love marriages and hate marriages. Love marriages are very rare; in fact, they don't happen. The so-called marriages are hate marriages. At least about women it is very true. If they want to torture you, they will marry you, because there is no surer way to torture you -- that is the best way.

I have heard...
Mulla Nasruddin had gotten himself in a very awkward situation. He had been carrying on with no less than three women at the same time, promising each one that he would marry her. Lately, they'd been pressing him to make good his vow. At his wits' end, he consulted his lawyer.
'I suggest' said the lawyer 'that you let me notify all the newspapers that you have committed suicide. After that, we'll hold a mock funeral. That should take care of your troubles.'
They went into action immediately. While the lawyer phoned the newspapers, Mulla made the necessary arrangements with the undertaker.
It was a very impressive funeral. At the proper time everyone filed solemnly around the coffin to bid a last farewell to the deceased. And then his three girl friends entered.
'Poor Nasruddin' sighed the first girl as she gazed down at the body. 'He was a louse, but I'll sure miss him.'
'Good-bye, Nasruddin' wept the second girl 'too bad things didn't work out better.'
But the third girl was enraged. 'You dirty rat! -- dying on me after you promised we'd be married. For that I'm gonna shoot you myself even though you are dead! At least I'll have that satisfaction!'
She then pulled a revolver out of her purse and levelled it at the prone figure. 'Hold it! Don't get so excited!' cried the corpse sitting up. 'You, I'll marry!'

I don't know why you got married to a woman who hates you, and whom you hate. But watch out. You must be in a very deep mess -- but everybody is, so don't feel worried -- this is the natural, usual condition of humanity.
Everybody is in a mess. Nobody knows why one is going to do a certain thing. Sometimes you get married to a woman because her face is appealing. But what has marriage to do with the face? After two or three days, the honeymoon will be over and you will never look at the face again. And you never married the real woman -- you only married a face, a certain figure, and the figure has nothing to do with it.
Or maybe you liked the voice of the woman, the singsong voice, and you got married. People get married for foolish reasons. Now the singsong voice has nothing to do with it: the singsong voice will not prepare your food, it will not make your bed. After a few days, you will forget the voice. The reality you will have to live with has nothing to do with these things.
A certain woman has a certain figure, a certain curve -- but what has a curve to do with life? A certain woman has a certain way of walking and it appeals to you. But can you waste your life, your married life, on such filmy things? It is not possible.
Life needs more realistic approaches, more realistic foundations.
But you go on doing superficial things like this. The reason is that you are not aware. It is not only a question of marriage -- it is a question of your whole life. That's what you go on doing. You go on doing things on the spur of the moment -- not seeing deeply that life needs more awareness, more responsibility, more understanding, more intelligence.
Start being more intelligent, and you will be less and less in trouble. Be more watchful, become a witness.
Mobile:+91-9841121780, 9543187772

1 comment:

  1. If you would like an alternative to casually flirting with girls and trying to figure out the right thing to do...

    If you would rather have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in filthy pubs and restaurants...

    Then I urge you to play this short video to find out a weird secret that has the potential to get you your own harem of hot women just 24 hours from now:

