Friday 12 June 2015

Fifth Muslim arrested in connection with Brooklyn ISIS plot

Fifth Muslim arrested in connection with Brooklyn ISIS plot

“Federal authorities have arrested a fifth man in connection with a group of ISIS sympathizers from Brooklyn who are charged with plotting to join the terror group and wage jihad on the United States.” There are plots like this all over, while our law enforcement authorities are conducting “outreach” to mosques. A comprehensive investigation of mosque teachings all over the US is long overdue.
Isis ramadi
“Fifth arrested in connection with Brooklyn ISIS plot,” by Selim Algar, New York Post, June 12, 2015:
Federal authorities have arrested a fifth man in connection with a group of ISIS sympathizers from Brooklyn who are charged with plotting to join the terror group and wage jihad on the United States.
Akmal Zakirov was charged Thursday with conspiring to provide material support to the notorious organization by funding overseas-travel plans for several alleged cohorts, according to Brooklyn federal-court ­papers.
His arrest follows the busts of Abdurasul Juraboev, 24, and Akhror Saidakhmetov, 24, both of Brooklyn, for plotting to join the group abroad.
The feds claim the suspects planned to attack NYPD officers back home in New York City if their overseas gambit failed.
Two additional associates, Abror Habibov and Dilkhayot Kasimov, were also arrested for helping raise travel funds…

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