Friday 5 June 2015

jagadeesh krishnan

12 Worst Flirting Mistakes Women Make

Flirting is an integral part of every young lady`s life. But if dealing with those who try to win your heart is easy, you may find it hard to win someone’s heart yourself. Girls are so shy and often become nervous when flirting with hot confident guys. You just look into his amazing eyes and suddenly lose your head. Things seem to never be the same again and you can`t get control over yourself. Those moments are unforgettably beautiful but we frequently spoil everything and make a fake impression. If you want to stay calm with your future partner and make a stunning impression on him, here are 12 terrible mistakes you should avoid when flirting…Worst Flirting Mistakes Women Make

1. Supposing he knows that you like him

Think the man is aware of your passion for him simply because you`re pretty today? No, ladies, that never works out. Make a first step to show your interest and to make him fall in love with you and. Remember, no bees, no honey. He will never know you like him if you don’t let him know.

2. Telling about the others who like you

Well, frankly speaking, it`s all about me. Don`t make this mistake as when you want to tell a guy that he`s the winner among all other guys who also like you, he may think something like “You may count for our friendship and nothing more. You see, I already have a “partner’s list” to choose from.”

3. Being too confident and mean

When flirting with a shy guy, don’t be too confident and don’t try to show that you don’t have any insecurities. When flirting with a confident guy, though, don’t be too mean. Many girls tend to be mean with confident guys because they think it can help them look more confident too. In fact, this type of behavior can scare off any guy.

4. Constant laughing

Guys like to make jokes. This way, they try to boost a woman’s mood and show that they are funny. Well, laughing at his jokes is a must, but don`t go too far! Don’t start giggling every time he makes a joke, especially if you don`t really find it funny, because it`ll look unnatural and he will understand that you actually don’t like it.
5. Drinking too much alcohol
Taking a few shots of something will not spoil your date. What`s more, it can make you feel relaxed and even more confident. However, moderation is always important. You should avoid getting drunk when flirting, as you wouldn`t like him to see you rolling on the floor and speaking up all of your thoughts.

6. Being too much interested

Express your interest in what he says with questions and attentive listening. You shouldn`t pretend that his words are so much exciting that you are ready to become his girlfriend right now. The art of flirting is hard to master but one of the most important things to remember is to be yourself. After all, you can’t pretend all the time.

7. Lying

Lying is awful and it can ruin any relationship. Tracing whom you lied and what you lied about in order not to be caught is a heavy burden. Moreover, it’s a bad idea to start your relationship with a lie. If you want your crush to love you, not your lie, it’s better tell the truth only.

8. Flirting online only

When flirting online you feel so comfortable, brave and confident that you may start avoiding him in a real life. If he doesn’t ask you out on a date, it doesn’t mean he is not interested in you. He may be too shy to do it so be the first to ask him out on a little coffee date. If he rejects you, move on. You deserve a better boyfriend!

9. Facebook stalking him

Yes, Facebook may show you many interesting things about your crush’s life, but don’t make it a habit to check his account every hour in order to find out what he’s going to do tonight. Avoid commenting too much and sending dozens of messages. There are many better ways to attract his attention.

10. Pretending you have the same favorite band

I once said I like the same band as the guy I was flirting with. OMG, he started to list his favorite songs and I had to nod my had and smile. Eventually, I had to say the truth and that was the end of our so-called date. Don`t start your relationships with even a small lie because he may not understand it.

11. Being too cold towards him

Women love drama and like to test men. I used to follow the strategy “I don`t care about you, so love me” and I must confess that it was a mistake. When you make a man think you don`t like him just to find out if he`s straightforward enough to deserve your love, it may bring the desirable result. But think twice, would you like to be in a relationship where you`re loved only when you don`t like your partner?

12. Being too mysterious

I have a friend who likes to keep an intrigue and frequently doesn`t answer the questions guys ask her. It`s not a fatal mistake, but if you give some information about who you really are, you will look and act natural and find common language faster.
Love is a unique, subtle and sensitive thing. Flirting is a necessary part of love, so it needs an extremely careful treatment. We go crazy when the time of flirting with someone super hot comes. But wake up ladies, we are those who always tend to complicate everything, especially the relationships. All men are simple by nature, so you don`t need to use any special flirting techniques
by .

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