Wednesday, 29 September 2021

my books

When you are doing these exercises, you will begin to have a sense of wisdom inside you. Because all these exercise I have described in simple ways to humans. All human beings are born worthy of enlightenment, but between them these religions and doctrines, the ideologies of the religious leaders and those who have made the religion, have disturbed their minds and distracted their lives. Because these religions have always been a barrier for man to choose a path for himself. So he leaves without the awareness to choose his own path. That is why man thinks that enlightenment is a great thing. In fact, wisdom is not attainable, it is knowing. These are the religions that he did without his efforts to know. Western religions in particular. This is the only work that humanity has done for the last two thousand years. Why, they are the religion that is given directly to God by their religion and religion. In fact, Western religions are certainly not God-given. But their knowledge is unacceptable and its followers have planted it in the minds of the people. The seed sown in such a way has now become ingrained in and out of their mouths. So they left without thinking to think beyond those religions. That is why they still think that wisdom is a great thing, and whoever teaches it, falls into the illusion that they are all enlightened. That is why these religious merchants are spreading their business day by day and in the comfort of life. When is the end of all this, when is the individual feeling his or her self. I am certainly not an enemy to any individual, and I am not against all sorts of things, but I am certainly an anti-Semitic person, against all things that prevent a person from achieving his wisdom. Whether it is religious or stupid, I will resist anything that hinders the growth of man and enables him to attain enlightenment. My purpose is the same: Whenever a person feels his wisdom, I will resist everything that can prevent it, until my journey continues.
Benefits of Procedures: These procedures are mainly used to address all psychological and biological stress disorders, Alzheimer's disease, alcoholism, drug addiction, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cognitive disorders, depression, idiosyncrasies, and disorders. , Insomnia, Somnambulism, Social anxiety disorder , Sexual disorders, heart disease, blood pressure, sexual orientation, homosexuality, lesbian, gay, sexual, suicidal ideation, cancer obesity.
There are nine methods in this book,
These techniques, explain the most simple and scientific ways, activate your inner energy and your body
I have described how to attain chakras, and intuition, mental power, hypnosis, telepathy, yoga, meditation, tantra, and enlightenment, and how man can attain to his higher self.

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