Saturday 1 February 2014

jagadeesh krishnan


was a strenuous job for me, and I caught so many fish. I don't know where these fish disappear to in the day."
The other man said, "Stop all this nonsense, you don't know what I have dreamt. I found in my dream, on one side of me, Sophia Loren, absolutely nude. And I said, `My God, have I reached heaven?' And on the other side was another beautiful woman. It was impossible to judge who was more beautiful."
The other friend became very angry and he said, "You idiot! You pretend to be my best friend. Why didn't you call me?" He said, "I did call, but your wife said you had gone fishing."

Nobody is where you think he is. Nobody is at home. While making love make it a meditative process. Your whole presence has to be there, showering on the woman you love. The woman has to be there, showering all her beauty and grace on her lover. Then you will not be a victim, otherwise you are a victim.
Love is not accepted by your so-called, utterly idiotic religions to be a natural and playful experience. They condemn it. They have made it a condition: unless you leave your woman you will never attain to truth. And the conditioning has been going on for so long that it has almost become a truth, although it is an absolute lie.
You are a victim of traditions and you are certainly dependent. When I read your question further you will see how you are dependent -- dependent on a girlfriend who tells you that you are boring, not very juicy and a victim.
Your dependence shows further: "Then I felt very guilty and depressed and utterly unworthy." If your girlfriend, by saying such simple truths, can make you very guilty and depressed and utterly unworthy, she certainly seems to be your master. "I began to feel inside me a big No." And this is where your girlfriend has been kind, not to say to you, "You are a little bit of an idiot too."
You are saying, "I began to feel inside me a big No towards existence." Now what has existence done? Do you think your girlfriend is existence? "... towards life." Do you think your girlfriend is life? "... towards love." And finally, "... towards you." Why involve me? I have not been giving all these ideas to your girlfriend; I don't know her. She is not getting these lessons from me about what to tell you.
This shows your utter idiocy. Are you here for me or for your girlfriend? I go on saying things every day and nothing changes in you. And your girlfriend just said that you are a little boring and you don't doubt her. Perhaps you have come here following your girlfriend. And in what way can you say No to existence, to life, to love and to me? That really is hilarious. I had not said anything and you have included me -- on what grounds?
Rather than listening to your girlfriend who was saying sincerely that you are boring, just a little, you should have asked her, "In what way can I become a little more interesting? Do you have any suggestions? If I am not juicy then tell me how I can become juicy." That would have been an intelligent step. But instead of asking the girl you started having "a big no: towards existence, life, love, you." Sometimes I think that... I don't even know you personally, nor your girlfriend. In what way am I involved in it?
But I can understand the reason. Perhaps you may not be able to explain it, but I can see the underlying reason for your big No. You believe in your girlfriend too much -- naturally you could not ask her. That shows your dependence. You must be afraid to make much fuss about these things with the girl, because girlfriends are not your permanent wives, no law prevents them from moving with someone who is more juicy. And everybody in the beginning is juicy, but just a few days together and the whole juice dries out. You start looking around for some other girl, for some other man, because they are all looking juicy.
You will repeat the same thing life after life; you have done it already, without understanding the foundation. Living with one man more than a week the problem arises of how to get rid of him. He is also thinking about how to get rid of you. But it does not look right to either of you, so you start creating trouble so that somehow some other idiot may become interested in your girlfriend, because you both go on seeing that other girls are more juicy, other men are more juicy.
It is an old story that the green grass on the other side of the fence of your bungalow looks greener than your own grass. Distance creates that phenomenon.
Any woman may look to you juicier than your wife -- she is just a pain in the neck. But what you don't know is that all these women are following the same philosophy. For one or two days they are so groovy, and once they have caught hold of you the real story starts -- they start becoming a pain in the neck. And the same is true about men. Meeting a girl on the sea beach, in the garden, by the side of a river, he pretends to be Alexander the Great, walks like a lion, and within two days the same fellow is reduced to a rat.
Nobody talks about the reality of why this is happening, why so many people are unnecessarily made miserable. This society will never be happy if we don't allow people to move and not get stuck in marriages, not get stuck in their own promises. Out of freedom meet with each other, and the moment you feel that you have explored the whole topography of the woman and the woman knows that she has experienced whatever is possible to experience in the man, then it is time to say goodbye to each other in deep friendliness. There is no need to hang around each other's neck.
A world completely free from any contracts between man and woman will be immensely lovely, beautiful, unboring, interesting. But we have created institutions, and to live in an institution is not a very great experience. Your marriage is an institution, although the newer generation is moving a little more freely, before settling after the age of thirty. I have been looking around the world to find a hippie who is at least of the age thirty-five. I have not found any. Nearabout thirty all hippies disappear, they become just square people whom they were fighting against before.
Seeing the situation, that living in institutions -- of marriage, community, society, Lions Club, Rotary Club -- you cannot live joyously, you have experimented. This is the first time in history that we have a younger generation. I don't mean that in the past there were not young people, but there was no "younger generation." A small child, seven years old, would start following the father's business, would start going to the fields, would start taking care of the cows; or if the father was a carpenter, would start helping him. At the age of seven he had already joined the society.

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