Thursday 25 December 2014

17,500 Patriots Gather to Sing Christmas Carols Against Islamisation in Germany COUNTER JIHAD FRONT FIGHTING SHARIA FIGHTING THE JIHAD

17,500 Patriots Gather to Sing Christmas Carols Against Islamisation in Germany


Anti-islamization demos are growing in Germany. The grass roots organization behind the protests, Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West, will be smeared, defamed and libeled. Any movement opposing jihad and sharia is summarily destroyed by Western elites. I wonder if the leaders of know what they are in for. I hope they are made of sterner stuff than thelikes of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, who crashed and burned, unable to take the heat.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has wrongly condemned these anti-Islamization demonstrations. Angela Merkel’s spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said: “In the name of the government and the chancellor I can say quite clearly that there is no place in Germany for religious hatred, no matter which religion people belong to.” It’s not religious hatred — it’s defense of freedom and the protection of non-Muslims. It’s a stand against violence and Jew-hatred. The German government must be very careful what side they come down on. German history shows they have come down wrongly when faced with a vicious antisemitic movement.
Europe has a problem, and avoiding the problem or pretending it doesn’t exist is a recipe for a disaster.
AFDI believes immigration reform is critical to beating back the jihad threat. Our 18-point platform in defense of freedom:
— AFDI calls for immediate investigation into foreign mosque funding in
the West and for new legislation making foreign funding of mosques in
non-Muslim nations illegal.
— AFDI calls for surveillance of mosques and regular inspections of mosques in the U.S. and other non-Muslim nations to look for pro-violence materials. Any mosque advocating jihad or any aspects of Sharia that conflict with Constitutional freedoms and protections should be closed.
— AFDI calls for curriculum and Islam-related materials in textbooks and museums to describe the Islamic doctrine and history accurately, including its violent doctrines and 1,400-year war against unbelievers.
— AFDI calls for a halt of foreign aid to Islamic nations with Sharia-based constitutions and/or governments.
– AFDI denounces the use of Sharia law in any Western court or nation.
– AFDI advocates deportation hearings against non-citizens who promote jihad in our nations.
– AFDI calls for an immediate halt of immigration by Muslims into nations that do not currently have a Muslim majority population.
— AFDI calls for laws providing that anyone seeking citizenship in the United States should be asked if he or she supports Sharia law, and investigated for ties to pro-Sharia groups. If so, citizenship should not be granted.
– AFDI calls for the cancellation of citizenship or permanent residency status for anyone who leaves the country of his residence to travel for the purpose of engaging in jihad activity, and for the refusal of reentry into his country of residence after that jihad activity.
The UK authorities destroyed the EDL movement, leaving the Brits devoid of any effective voice against the vicious encroachment of sharia and jihadi activity. Will the Germans make the same mistake?

WEb;).“17,500 Germans Gather to Sing Christmas Carols Against Islamisation,” Breitbart, December 23, 2014
The German PEGIDA movement held its largest meeting yet last night to protest what they call the ‘Islamisation of the Western World’, despite stiff opposition from all sections of Germany’s elite including politicians, media, and the arts

PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West) has grown rapidly since its inception in October, a peaceful ‘strolling’ movement opposing the exceptional violence seen in street battles between Salafist Muslims and ethnic Kurds seen in many German cities this year and enormous immigration. Now on it’s tenth ‘evening stroll’, it has grown from a couple of hundred people, to 15,000 last week, to more than 17,500 last night.
In addition to the hundreds of banners with slogans such as ‘Against Hatred, Violence, and the Quran’, ‘Against Religious Fanaticism’, and ‘No Sharia in Europe’, the thousands attending brought song sheets which had been distributed online and sang favourite Christmas carols.
Despite the essentially ordinary character of many of the people taking to the streets for the peaceful strolls, and the admission by senior government and police figures that a great many of those joining in are families bringing their children, the organisation has come in for stiff criticism and rejection by the heights of the German elite.
Chancellor Merkel has suggested the leadership of PEGIDA have an ulterior motive, despite their focus on non-violent protest and apolitical principles. She even went as far to warn people thinking of going on the weekly stroll to “watch out that they are not instrumentalised by the organisers”. The SPD, Germany’s Labour-party equivalent have gone as far as calling PEGIDA “Nazis in pinstripes”.
This is despite a report by the German police that there are significantly more known troublemakers in the counter-protest movements, than in PEGIDA itself.
It is not only German politics which is putting its weight behind the counter-PEGIDA movement. Apparently dismayed that 17,500 people had turned out in bad weather to sing Christian carols, the Protestant Bishop of Dresden said PEGIDA were trying “to exploit a Christian symbol and a Christian tradition” for political ends.
Germany’s art elite also showed their disapproval last night. The directors of Dresden’s Bavarian State Opera house, outside which the protests take place turned off the lights on the building, cloaking it in darkness during the stroll. Colossal 50-foot banners were draped in front of the building reading “humanity, respect, and diversity”.
No plans have yet been announced by PEGIDA for their next march

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