And I suppose asking Germans to condemn Nazism is Germanophobic, or it that Naziphobic? Ridiculous in either case, but illustrative of what we are dealing with, sort of a mass mob Stockholm syndrome on the left.
But in fact, asking Muslims to condemn jihad is something they will not do. They cannot do it. It is, in effect, condemning Islam. Rote condemnations of the “killing of innocent civilians” are meaningless, because in Islam, non-Muslims are not considered “innocent.”
When the toll of jihadi wars becomes impossible to ignore, Muslim leaders offer limp-wristed condemnations of beheadings and such, but never condemn the Islamic texts and teachings that command such actions.
They give Western media and corrupt politicians just enough to silence criticism of the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
No one is suggesting all Muslims are terrorists. That is not the question. The world is roiling in the wake of the global jihad that is inspired by Islamic texts and teachings that command it. When are Muslims going to talk about that and do what must be done to expunge those quranic teachings that command these holy wars?
“Vox: Asking Muslims to condemn terrorism bigoted, Islamophobic,” The Washington Examiner, December 15, 2014
On Monday, Vox’s Max Fisher responded to the hostage crisis in Sydney, Australia, by telling readers that asking Muslims to condemn terrorism is bigoted and Islamophobic. The denunciation of terrorism is, he said, a form of an apology for Islam and all Muslims, implying that every Muslim is sympathetic to terrorists.
“The implication is also that any crime committed by a Muslim is the responsibility of all Muslims simply by virtue of their shared religion,” he added. “This sort of thinking — blaming an entire group for the actions of a few individuals, assuming the worst about a person just because of their identity — is the very definition of bigotry.”
Promoting the article on Twitter, Fisher said it was his “call to end one of our society’s most quietly racist rituals.” A number of people took Fisher to task for the article, Twitchy said, including the Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams, who asked Fisher if “Muslim” is now a race.
“All conservatives are stupid. All men are rapists. All whites are racist,” one person sarcastically said. “Stop with the Islamaphobia (sic).”
“Denounce all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and violence…not you, Muslims,” Twitter user “Rick Wilson” added. “We’re good.”
Another person compared Fisher’s demand to the protests taking place against police across the country, demonstrating the blatant hypocrisy. “But lets force cops to apologize for the acts of a few,” added Twitter user “RIP 49ers.”
“There is no legitimate reason for Muslim groups to need to condemn Haron Monis, nor is there any legitimate reason to treat those condemnations as news,” Fisher said. “So we should stop.”
Despite Fisher’s claim, it seems there is a need for public condemnation of Islamic terror. In November 2014 alone, over 5,000 people — mostly civilians and Muslims — were killed in acts of Islamic terror, the UK Guardian reported. The radical group ISIS, or the Islamic State, were responsible for 2,206 deaths, accounting for about 60 percent of those killed. Boko Haram came in second, racking up 801 deaths.
According to the 2014 Global Terrorism Index published by Vision of Humanity, “17,958 people were killed in terrorist attacks last year…” The report went on to say that’s an increase of 61 percent over the previous year.
“Last year terrorism was dominated by four groups: the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIL, and al Qa’ida,” the report said. All of the groups have one thing in common — they are all Islamic. Despite what many on the left have said, “poverty rates, levels of schools attendance and most economic factors have no association with terrorism,” the report adds.
Nevertheless, Fisher and others are doing all they can to bury the Islamic nature of incidents like that in Sydney. The Sydney Morning Herald, for example, urged Australians to “first and foremost” forgive and empathize with Man Haron Monis, the self-styled sheik who took hostages in a Sydney cafe.
Fisher concluded by saying that Monis should be treated for what he is: a deranged lunatic. And, he added, Muslims as “normal people who of course reject terrorism, rather than as a lesser form of humanity that is expected to reject violence every time it happens.”
But Pamela Geller said Katrina Dawson and Lindt cafe manager Tori Johnson, the two victims in Sydney’s terrorist attack, are the ones who should be mourned. “This is who we should be defending and avenging. The bodies pile up as the West recedes and recoils from the truth.” No doubt their families would appreciate a repudiation of terrorism from Muslim leaders.
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