Sunday 28 December 2014

Watch VIDEO: Devout Muslims Torture Woman For Buying From Christian

Watch VIDEO: Devout Muslims Torture Woman For Buying From Christian


This is the war on women, as well as quran-based religious hatred — but the Democ rats and the feminazis insist that the Republicans are “waging war on women” and that the only hatred of religious people is “islamophobia.”
Their narrative is nothing more than vicious smears and powermongering at the expense of human life. And the leftist media is only too happy to peddle their snake-oil. The enemedia won’t say a word about this.
 “VIDEO: Ghana’s ‘Boko Haram’ group tortures lady for buying from a Christian,” VibeGhana, December 26, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): is in possession of a mind-boggling video revealing how a vigilante group in Ghana that has named itself after Nigeria’s Boko Haram terrorist set, tortured a young lady for buying food from a Christian.
The Police have refuted claims that the group is an offshoot of the dreaded Boko Haram of Nigeria, but their modus operandi based on Starrfmonline’s investigations is akin to the terrorist entity.
In the disturbing video, which was taken with a mobile phone, a group of about eight young men were seen flogging a helpless lady on her butt and back on a bench in the open with a grown woman standing in the background watching. The men revelled in her agony as she wails and begs for mercy.
The police confirmed to that the incident actually happened in the Eastern region.
The police have since arrested over 12 suspects of the Islamic group operating in Akyem Ofoase Zongo in the Akyemanso District of the Eastern Region.
Source: Source: Starrfmonline

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