Sunday 21 December 2014

Taliban threaten to kill politicians’ kids next

Taliban threaten to kill politicians’ kids next

This savagery comes from the Taliban in Pakistan. The Taliban in Afghanistan, which has the same name, beliefs, and goals, is Obama’s “peace partner.” In 2012, Obama used the NATO summit to pressure Karzai to engage with greater urgency with the Taliban about a political settlement in Afghanistan. That same year, Obama’s national security adviser Tom Donilon toldKarzai at a meeting with senior White House officials, generals, and intelligence officials that“the Taliban are not our enemies and we don’t want to fight them.”
Under Obama it was announced that Mullah Omar could run for president in Afghanistan. Mullah Omar has been wanted by the U.S. State Department since October 2001. There’s a ten million dollar reward on his head. He sheltered Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda killers in the years prior to the September 11 attacks. He had a hand in the 911 attacks, and has been directing the Taliban’s ongoing war against the U.S.-led NATO forces and the government of Afghanistan.
Obama committed to more taxpayer dollars for the Taliban.
The Obama Administration announced that it wanted to meet with the Taliban in Doha for “peace talks.” The Taliban laughed and never showed.
Peshawar funeral
“Taliban threaten to kill politicians’ kids next,” by Sachin Parashar, TNN, December 20, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
NEW DELHI: After the gruesome killing of children in Peshawar this week, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan has warned the Nawaz Sharif government that it will start eliminating children of politicians, including Sharif’s family, and army officers if the Pakistan government keeps its commitment to hang militants owing allegiance to the terror outfit.
The warning came in the form of a letter, written apparently by Mohammed Kharasani, believed to be a top commander of Tehrik-e-Taliban chief Mullah Fazlullah. It was received by Pakistan authorities on Friday evening. TOI has access to the letter.
Top sources said they were trying to verify if the letter was genuine. The letter justified the killing of young children saying the kids were committed to following in the footsteps of their parents.
While the letter doesn’t mention India, it is still of interest as one of those facing death sentence in Pakistan is Omar Sheikh, one of the terrorists released in the Kandahar hijacking and also the killer of Daniel Pearl.
The letter says that if any incarcerated terrorist is killed, TTP will take revenge by killing more young children. “Let us make it clear to Pakistan establishment that if any of our associates is harmed, we will avenge ourselves by targeting your children. We would ensure that houses of army generals and political leaders become centers of mourning,” said the letter.
It accused the Pakistan government of falling prey to the designs of the army and ISI when what was required was a reform of these institutions. “Why the human rights organizations, which are not aware of the reasons of the attack on Army Public School, silent on this decision of the infidel government. We, in light of Islamic teaching, consider the killing of the children of army personnel as justified as they are not opposing the anti-Islam role of their parents and are committed to follow the path of their parents. We are giving an open invitation of debate to religion leaders who are issuing decrees in favour of the k.jagadeesh
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