Monday 9 August 2021

my books

Tantra the Master Key of Ecstasy Volume – 4: By Ancient Tantra Techniques for Touchy Senses.continue
This practice is a method for the sixth technique. I have explained some more touching senses techniques. Man has always been not aware of its true power. The reason for him is ignorant, or aware. The reason is sometimes suspicious is that he always doesn’t want to realize himself. The reason is that all these methods can not say that I have created. And this is a variety of training methods. However, the question of why man has always been up to the fact that he can not travel towards his awareness.
When I was looking for this, I saw these Western religions started to spread around the world and they have to remove all the cultures throughout the world.
That's why the oldest arts are the meditative methods and tantra methods are not activated. That's why he doesn't have awareness of his true energy.
Moreover, humanity is the reason why they are not aware of its self, the reason they are subject to the impact of these religions. Why are these Western religions, Christianity and Islam is not religion? It is like a political system. therefore these religions are imposing their principles because they need power. therefore these religions are imposing a lot of things on people, and try to converts and also these religions are try destroyed all the oldest cultures. and converted to their cult.
Therefore they pay the attention to gain power. how can gain power, if anyone does not follow then that is not possible, therefore they try to convert the people with force. 
Therefore these two religions are trying to convert the people to gain their power. these things are happening for more than two thousand years.
Furthermore, these religions are unleashed on 15,000 wars in the world. This is not a religion, it is a monster.
The reason is to know that these are the demons, in the warmonger of religions. The reason is that religions should not go to war for man, and they should teach peace. How Buddhism and the Jainism. But these two religions(Islam and Christianity) say, we are trying to keep the peace, but they are trying to keep peace or war? It's always trying to keep fighting each other.
So if there is something wrong with two religions. The main purpose of these two religions is not peace. The main purpose of them knows that is the war only.
Religion does not try to create wars. But these two religions are still two thousand years trying to destroy world harmony. These two religions not only created wars but also killed the women in the name of witches. Islam making the woman a sex slave. What kind of these religions are these?
Since the religion of Islam is, it is unleashing the overwhelming wars from the formation of the world. Truly Islam is not a religion, it is the crowd of war beasts. where is Islam rooted there in poverty and wars. But it says that it teaches peace. It's a punch of the war beast. How to follow it can be changed from it. They are like the same beast.
That's why I'm strongly opposed to these religions. My purpose is not any individual, and I'm always the opponent of religions.
if any religion tries to destroyed human awareness, then I am trying to destroy those religions. therefore I am always talking against all religions.
That's why Tantra does not teach any of the rules and regulations. It only teaches your awareness. You are not only aware of the advantage of the awareness, except for you to do good, no moral principles and controls. That's why tantra does not worry about any moral rules. It only concerns the human awakening. The awakened man does not do any evil things. But Tantra does not give any doctrines in this record. It only provides exercises. Those exercises will give you an awakening. But the man does not do these exercises because is laziness. so he can not understand tantra, what it says. If you are not lazy, you can understand this tantra. if you are lazy you do not understand this, that's it.

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