Sunday 16 January 2022


What do we become after death ???
 What happens to this soul in the timeless interval between two births?

 The experiences between a rebirth and a rebirth are like a dream.

 Then it will seem like the truth.

 But the senses do not work.

 Because there is no body.

 When you dream like that, you will have no doubt.

 When in doubt, the dream is shattered.

 Even the deepest dream can be shattered in the slightest doubt.

 So, everything that happens in that interval seems to be true.

 The appearances that appear then may even be very unusual.

 Whether the soul reaches heaven or experiences hell is a sign of this dream state.

 There really is no heaven, no hell!

 Many religious magazines describe hell as terrible.  This is true!

 But this is a kind of dream state, that's all.

 There are two souls between two bodies.

 One is the evil soul who has committed sins.  The other is the blessed good soul.

 It is very difficult to find a suitable mother and father for these complete sinful souls.

 This is what the evil spirit is all about.  I call this 'Pretas'.

 Instead I call good spirits or good souls 'Devas'.

 It is difficult to find suitable parents for these whole blessed souls!  The souls between these two are a mixture of good and bad.

 But in the next birth none of this will be remembered.

 Good thing you know one more thing!

 If one uses properly the hour before going to bed at night and the hour after waking up in the morning, it can be easily understood up to nine months before dying.

 To be used properly it must be in meditation and prayer.

 In this intervening period i.e. before the soul is reborn that soul is not stable and it does not wander here and there.  It's in a dilemma.

 This cannot be understood logically.  The preconceived notions of this soul are all embedded in the embryonic form of ideas, the fruits of evil and good deeds.

  When it picks up the body again they all slowly begin to function.

 Next one of our religious doctrines ...... they say that this world is a dream or an appearance.

 What this means is that you have to see this world as if it were a dream.

 This means that you have to stand as a witness and watch without being involved.

 Then your meditativeness increases.

 You do not participate in the dream!  You simply lie down and watch your mind-blowing game unfold!  In it you put no pretense of your body.

 You are a spectator in your dream.
 Next understand another thing.

 The one inch gap between us is filled with so many souls!

 How can a bad soul flow into a body?

 Suppose someone is in a very scared state.

 Then that body shrinks its soul.

 In that case, some parts of the body are empty.

 Then one or more of the evil spirits around us will flow into that body.

 But it does not come close to the brave.  Because they do not have a vacuum.

 A frightened person is in a very low state so high souls do not smoke into that body.

 Higher souls are always browsing higher - higher levels.

 Below.  Only souls are browsing down and trying to satisfy his desire.

 They may take days to regenerate naturally.

 Rather the enlightened soul is pure vitality.

 This life reaches a very high level and merges with the cosmic vitality.

 There is no rebirth for this.  It is the desireless soul or vitality.

 All the rest must take rebirth and renounce his worldly desires.

 Beyond what is known ,,,
 Jagadeesh Krishnan is a psychologist and international Author

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