Monday 2 December 2013


FRIENDSHIP HAS BEEN one of the subjects most ignored
by almost all the philosophers.

Perhaps we take it for granted that we understand what it means; hence we have remained ignorant
about its depths,
about its possibilities of growth,
about its different colors, with different significances.

Zarathustra has spoken on the subject with great insight.

The most important thing to remember is:
one needs friends because one is incapable of being alone.

And as long as one needs friends, one cannot be much of a friend - because the need reduces the other to an object.

Only the man who is capable of being alone
is also capable of being a friend.

But it is not his need,
it is his joy;
it is not his hunger, not his thirst,
but his abundance of love that he wants to share.

When such a friendship exists,
it should not be called a friendship,
because it has taken on a totally new dimension:

I call it "friendliness." It has gone beyond relationship,
because all relationships are bondages in some way or other -
they make you a slave and they enslave others.

Friendliness is simply the joy of sharing
without any conditions,
without any expectations,
with no desire that something should be returned -
not even gratefulness.

Friendliness is the purest kind of love.

It is not a need, it is not a necessity:
It is sheer abundance, overflowing ecstasy.......

Share your bliss, because that's how it grows.
The more you share it, the more you have it.
It belongs to a totally different law of life.

There is a law in economics
that if you share something you lose it,
hence economics teaches you to hoard:
only by hoarding can you have it.

Economics says:
You cannot eat your cake and have it too.

But there is a totally different plane of existence where things become rivers; there is a world where
you can eat the cake and have it too!

Not only that:
the more you eat it, the more you have it!
And that is the world of the sacred.

Bliss is the cake.
Not only do you have to eat it -
invite people to eat it and you will be surprised:
the more you share, the more it is showering on you.

Once it is known all miserliness disappears;
and not to be a miser is to be religious,
not to be a miser is to be open,
not to be a miser is to trust.

All these things start happening when you learn the art
of sharing.

So if you have a song to sing, share it.
If you have a dance to dance, share it.

Never accumulate your blissful moments -
spread them far and wide.
Give your love even to strangers.

Don't make any conditions on it: giving is the thing.
To whom it is given is irrelevant.
If you cannot find anybody, throw it to the rivers,
to the rocks, to the trees, and existence will return it a thousandfold.

That's the only way to become really rich.
That is the way to possess the kingdom of Godliness 
+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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