Wednesday 4 December 2013


 Science goes on this way towards the particular, hence science can never conceive of God because God is the ultimate universal. God means the whole, the organic whole, and science and its concern is with the part, the ultimate part. You can see the ways of religion and science going in opposite directions. Science moves from the universals to the particulars; religion moves from the particulars to the universals. Hence they cannot agree; it is almost impossible for them to agree. They will not find any common ground where they can agree.

Science is bound to believe in analysis because analysis is the methodology for reaching to the particular, and religion believes in synthesis because synthesis is the ladder that leads to the whole, to the universal.

Sigmund Freud called his psychology ”psychoanalysis,” and he was right in calling it psychoanalysis because his whole effort, his whole life was devoted to one thing: how to make psychology a science. It can become a science only if it becomes analysis. His insight was very clear.

Assagioli calls his psychology ”psychosynthesis.” He is on the right track, for making psychology a religion, but he is not so insightful as Sigmund Freud His synthesis is not much of a synthesis. Sigmund Freud really analyzes, and what Assagioli does is to reassemble the parts divided by Sigmund Freud.

It is like the body of a man is divided into parts, cut into parts by a butcher, and then, just by putting those parts together, or gluing them together, you think you will get the whole man back. You are wrong. You will not get the whole man back; you will only get a corpse. That’s why Assagioli has not made much impression: he has got only a corpse. He is trying to undo Sigmund Freud; he is just putting together whatsoever Sigmund Freud has divided. But he is not himself a mystic, and without being a mystic you cannot reach to the alive universal.

The particulars are bound to be material, the parts have no life of their own. Life belongs to the whole. Life is the quality that arises in a miraculous way when parts are in a symphony with each other, in harmony with each other.

You can dissect a flower, but the moment you dissect it you are killing it too; and once dissected, you cannot put it together again. Yes, you can put it together materially, but the life of the flower will never come back. You cannot bring the original organic unity back to it.

Sigmund Freud’s work has left a great impact on humanity, because this is the age of science and Sigmund Freud helped psychology to become at least something closer to science. Assagioli’s idea was good, but he was not capable of fulfilling his idea: he promised something which he was not capable of. He was not a Lao Tzu or a Buddha or a Dionysius.

Dionysius knows exactly what happens in these two processes. He was not aware of modern science, but in these words he describes it accurately, precisely. From the universal you come to the particular; that is the scientific approach.

Just one thousand years ago there was only one science. That’s why in old, ancient universities like Oxford the department of science is still called the department of natural philosophy. There was only one science, the philosophy of nature; that’s why it is still a hangover. You may get a doctorate in psychology, but you are still called a Ph.D. – Ph.D. means a doctor of philosophy. You may get your doctorate in chemistry and still you are called a Ph.D. – a hangover. You have nothing to do with philosophy, but in those days that was the only science: philosophy.

Then in these one thousand years science became divided again and again and again. Chemistry became a separate science, physics became a separate science. Then pure physics became a science separate from practical physics; organic chemistry became a science separate from inorganic chemistry. Now there are even more chemistries – biochemistry... and soon there will be more divisions. There are almost three hundred sciences available today. Just within one thousand years one science has become divided into three hundred sciences.

The whole process of science is knowing more and more about less and less. Science is an expertise, and the expert has to know more and more about less and less. "
The idea of unworthiness torture millions of human beings.
It is the people around you who make you feel unworthy,
undeserving, useless, good-for-nothing; this is a secret conspiracy against the individual by the crowd.

Perhaps you are not aware that the crowd is the enemy of the individual.

The crowd does not like individuals; it likes only phoney people imitating each other.

Anybody who stands alone, in his own right, declaring his own freedom, doing his own thing without any fear of consequences, will be condemned by the crowd.

The masses are easy to control; those people who are in power hate individuals.

And this has been the story throughout human history.
From the very childhood, the society in different ways –
the parents, the teachers, the priests, the neighbors –from all directions the society starts encroaching upon the freedom of the individual.

All their effort is to distract you from your own BEING;
they want you to be somebody else,
they don’t want you to be yourself.

That is the cause of your feeling of being unworthy.

The crowd cannot afford such rebels, because their very presence is dangerous –it may become a wildfire.

Many others who are suffering in slavery may start revolting, seeing that it is possible to live your life , according to your own light, that it is possible to have your own style, your own religiousness, your own morality –
you don’t have to belong to any crowd.
you don’t have to become a spiritual slave.

If this idea spreads, there will be millions of people who have not died completely –In whose beings there is still a spark of life – who may explode into rebellion against the masses.

It is natural – you can never be somebody else; however perfect your pretension and your hypocrisy is,
deep down you will feel you have betrayed yourself.
Deep down you can never feel contentment, self-respect,
a pride which is natural to every being, a dignity which existence showers upon you just by giving you life.

If you are allowed to be yourself, you will never feel unworthy, because that will be your natural growth.

If you are a rosebush, roses will blossom in you, If you are a marigold flower, then marigold flowers will come. Neither the marigold flower feels it is unworthy nor the roses feel that they are special, higher, or holier. Even the smallest grass blade feels as dignified as the biggest star in the universe.

In existence, there is no inferiority complex anywhere, and as a corollary there is no superiority complex either.

The marigold is happy being a marigold; even the idea is stupid: ”Why am I not a rose?”
It will be a very poor existence where
there are only roses and roses and roses,
and no other flowers.
Roses will lose all their beauty.

The variety of millions of flowers
makes existence rich beyond all our dreams.

But the society wants you to be just a sheep. You may have the qualities of being a deer, or being a tiger, or being a lion, or being an eagle – all the varieties are possible in different individuals – but the society likes only one brand:
everybody has to be a sheep.

Now, if you force a lion to be a sheep, he is going to feel unworthy. You are imposing something upon him which is not natural.

This feeling of unworthiness is because of an imposition of unnatural demands upon you, made by everybody around you.

Nobody likes you as you are; everybody wants you to be this, to be that. Of course if you fulfill their demands

you will be loved, respected, honored,
but it is very dangerous and very costly;
you will have to lose yourself.

You will become just a hypocrite,

and what will be the gain-
their respect, their honor, or their rewards?

They cannot balance the loss – you have lost your soul.

They can give you Nobel Prizes, but even a thousand Nobel Prizes cannot make up for the loss that you have suffered in the transaction.

You have lost your very space in existence, your very territory, your most significant essential being and consciousness.

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