Thursday 5 December 2013


WHEN you pray purify your intelligence
and it becomes your wisdom.
Purify yourself completely and you
become one with whole.
And to be on with the whole is the
ultimate benediction,
the blissfulness,
the experience for which thousands
of people have been searching down
ages on wrong paths.
This world has to be loved,
this world has to be respected,
this world has to be your temple,
your mosque your church.
This world has to be your gratefulness,
your gratitude.
Enlightenment is not something of another world.
Enlightenment happens now and here.’ 

I have come across many sannyasins who just heard my name
and something started -- a longing, a desire ...
as if a forgotten language suddenly is remembered.

A master does not work on individuals.

He creates an atmosphere and that atmosphere itself
goes on becoming every day richer, more dense.
Its pull, its gravitation,
goes on bringing new people
from faraway places......

 Sadhana means:
whatsoever you think is right, you try to practice it.

Unless your practice proves it,
you will withhold the conclusion;
you will not say whether it is right or wrong.

When you have practiced it and
when you have experienced it and tested it,
then you will declare whether it is right or wrong;
because the criterion is experience.

So sadhana is more like science than like philosophy.

Just as science experiments in the outside world,
sadhana experiments in the inside world.

Sadhana is the inner science of the soul.

One becomes one's own lab.
One changes one's whole life into experimentation.

Great risk is there,
because one never knows what is going to happen.

But only those who are ready to risk
are ever able to attain anything in life;

they are the fortunate ones who can risk

If you can learn one thing with me, then that one thing is:

Be alert, aware, about your own inner motives,
about your own inner destiny.

Never lose sight of it,
otherwise you will be unhappy.

And when you are unhappy, then people say:
“Meditate and you will become happy!”

They say:
“Concentrate and you will become happy.
Pray and you will become happy.
Go to the temple, be religious,
be a Christian or a Hindu and you will be happy!”

This is all nonsense.

Be happy!
And meditation will follow

+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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