Saturday 7 December 2013


When the whole world support you and the existence tolerate you. Not only tolerate, gives you energy and life………. ? even if you are committing sin, existence never says,” No, no more energy for you. Now you cannot get any more gas. Stop! You are doing too much nonsense.” No. The energy goes on supporting you.
It happened: A Mohammedan mystic, Junnaid once asked God about one of his neighbors,” This man is so evil and he is creating so much mischief for the whole village, and people to me and they say,” you ask God, pray to God, if he can get rid of this man.” And Junnaid heard in his prayer the voice: “ when I am accepting him, who are you to reject him? “ And Junnaid has written in his autobiography, “ Never again did him I ask such a thing, because it was really foolish of me, if he has given birth to this man, if he is still helping him to be alive, not only alive but flourishing , blooming, then who I am….?”
The existence gives you life unconditionally. I give you sannyas unconditionally. If the existence hopes about you so infinity that you cannot destroy its hope, who I am…..?
Tantra is for all. It is not for the chosen few. It become a path for the chosen few because everybody won’t understand it, but it is not for the chosen few- it is for all; it is for everybody who is ready to take the jump. 

 Action come out of a silent mind—it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Activity comes out of a restless mind—it is the ugliest. Action is when it has a relevance; activity is irrelevant, action is moment to moment, spontaneous; activity is loaded with past. It is not a response to the present moment; rather, it is pouring your restlessness, which you have been carrying from the past, into the present. Action is creative. Activity is very- very destructive—it destroys you, it destroys others.
Try to see the delicate distinction. For example, you are hungry then you eat- this is action. But you are not hungry, you don’t feel any hunger at all, and still you go on eating- this is activity. This eating is like a violence: you destroy the food, you crush your teeth and destroy food; it gives you a little release of your inner restlessness. You are eating not because of hunger, your are simply eating because of an inner need, an urge to be violent

 No need to do anything. Just understand the movement the movement of the energy, that unmotivated movement of energy. It flows, but not towards a goal, it flows as a celebration. It moves, not towards a goal , it moves because of its own overflowing energy.
A child is dancing and jumping and running around; ask him “where are you going?” he is not going anywhere –you will look foolish to him. Children always think that adults are foolish. What a nonsense question, “where you are going?” is there any need to go anywhere? a child simply cannot answer your question because it is irrelevant, he is not going anywhere. He will simply shrug his shoulder. He will say,” Nowhere.” then the goal-oriented mind asks “then why are you running?”-because to an activity is relevant only when it leads somewhere.
I tell you, there is nowhere to go; here is all, the whole existence culminates in this moment, it converges into the this moment. the whole existence is pouring already in this moment – it is here, now A child is simply enjoying the energy. He has too much. He is running, not because he has to reach somewhere, but because he has too much; he has to run

 All meditations are to become centered, not to be eccentric, to come to your own center.
Listen to your inner voice, feel it, and move with that feeling.. By and by, you can laugh at others’ options, or you can be simply indifferent, And once you become centered you become a powerful being; then nobody can prod you, then nobody can push you anywhere- simply, nobody dress. You are such a power, centered in yourself, that anybody who comes with an opinion simply forgets his opinion near you; any body who comes to push you somewhere simply forgets that he had come to push. Rather, just coming near you he starts feeling overpowered by you.

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