Monday 2 December 2013

Surrender is the ultimate sign of strength and the foundation for a spiritual life. Surrendering affirms that we are no longer willing to live in pain. It expresses a deep desire to transcend our struggles and transform our negative emotions. It commands a life beyond our egos, beyond that part of ourselves that is continually reminding us that we are separate, different and alone.

Surrendering allows us to return to our true nature and move effortlessly through the cosmic dance called life. It's a powerful statement that proclaims the perfect order of the universe.

When you surrender your will, you are saying, "Even though things are not exactly how I'd like them to be, I will face my reality. I will look it directly in the eye and allow it to be here." Surrender and serenity are synonymous; you can't experience one without the other. So if it's serenity you're searching for, it's close by. All you have to do is resign as General Manager of the Universe. Choose to trust that there is a greater plan for you and that if you surrender, it will be unfolded in time.

Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It's an act of faith. It's saying that even though I can't see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction
When consciousness unwinds in a relaxed manner, there arises a sublime quality of vividness and non-judgement. This state emerges like the deep, pure sky. This is enlightenment's luminous clarity; the ultimate expanse.

When I say 'Meditate on the Self',
I am asking you to be the Self, not think about it.
Be aware of what remains when thoughts stop.
Be aware of the consciousness that is the origin of all your thoughts.
Be that consciousness. 
Without awareness, the body would not last a second.
There is in the body a current of energy, affection and intelligence,
which guides, maintains and energies the body.
Discover that current and stay with it.
Of course, all these are manners of speaking.
Words are as much a barrier, as a bridge.
Find the spark of life that weaves the tissues of your body
and be with it.
It is the only reality the body has. 

Always remember deep in your heart that all is well
and everything is unfolding as it should.
There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time.
What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination.
That's all.
You are the Self, that perfect immutable Self.
Nothing else exists. Nothing else ever existed.
Nothing else will ever exist.
There is only one Self and you are That.

No matter how many times I tell you this,
you're still thinking, thinking,
judging, judging,
coming to conclusions,
trying to work out your life.
You have to let go.
Totally, absolutely, completely.
You have to let go so completely that you will feel no body,
no mind, no pain, nothing. 
You can become aware that you are like the screen in the movie.
You cannot see the screen, you see the images on the screen.
Yet the images are not real.
If you try to grab them, you grab the screen.
Just contemplating this helps.
And then you realize that you are like the screen,
that is your real nature,
and all the images in the universe are superimposed upon you,
just as the images of the movie are superimposed on the screen. 
+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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