Saturday 7 December 2013


Understanding is only that which has been
experienced by the person himself.

It may be understanding for me,
if I have looked at the moon,
but the moment I say it to you it becomes knowledge,
it is no longer understanding.
Then it is just verbal, then it is just linguistic.

And language is a lie.

You can write books about meditation
and never come across the space that meditation is.

You can become very efficient in verbalising,
you can become very clever in abstraction,
in intellectual argumentativeness,
and you can forget completely that all the time
that you have been involved in these intellectual
activities has been a sheer wastage.

But this is the case with millions of people.

They talk about love, they know all the poetries about love,
but they have never loved.

Or even if they thought they were in love,
they were never in love.

That too was a 'heady' thing,
it was not of the heart.

People live and go on missing life.

It needs courage.
It needs courage to be realistic,
it needs courage to move with life wherever it leads, because the paths are uncharted, there exists no map.

One has to go into the unknown.

Life can be understood only
if you are ready to go into the unknown.

If you cling to the known,
you cling to the mind, and the mind is not life.

Life is non-mental, non-intellectual,
because life is total.

Your totality has to be involved in it,
you cannot just think about it.

Thinking about life is not life.

beware of this 'about-ism'.

One goes on thinking about and about:
there are people who think about God,
there are people who think about life,
there are people who think about love.
There are people who think about this and that.

I am not here to teach you any dogmas; I am not imparting any knowledge to you. I am simply helping you to see that which is.

Live your life whatsoever the cost.


+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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