Saturday 7 December 2013


A politicion is continuosly desiring, fighting, competing, jealous, trying to reach higher and higher in the hierarchy. In the end nothing is achieved.

Mulla Nasruddin worked his whole life in poltics and went to the highest post possible. Then I asked him,”what have you attained?” He said, “To be frank, I am the greatest ladder climber in the world. That is my achievement: the greatest ladder climber.”

But even if you reach the highest rung of the ladder, what then? Your presidents and prime minister have reached, they are the the greatest ladder climber—but ladder climbing is not life. And just going on and on climbing bigger and bigger ladders, what is the point of it?

Ambition create restlessness. I would like you to understand your ambition. Desiring creates restlessness. I would like you to be aware of your desiring. This is way of tantra. And when the cause disappear, the disease disappear. And if the cause disappear, then you are transformed. The diseas is just a symptom—don’t try to hide the symptoms; let it be there it is good , because it goes on poking, goes on hitting you and saying that something is wrong. If you cannot sleep, it is good because it shows that something is wrong in your very style of life

The difficulty of the enlightened man is even greater than that of the man who is dumb. A remedy for dumbness may be possible, but for the enlightened man there is no way out. If the difficulty were physical some cure could be found, but his predicament is his inability to express what he has known. His dilemma arises out of the very nature of the experience of self-knowledge. If you also attain to that knowledge you will understand this quandary as well.
And even if the awakened man tries, his attempts are all unsuccessful. Not only are they unsuccessful, they can create the wrong impression. He wants to say one thing but has to say something else. He wants to say something definite and precise, but words are unable to express what it is he wants to say and they carry him somewhere else. He wants to lead you to a particular spot, but when he looks at you he sees he has led you to some other place, he sees you have misunderstood him.
This is why so many religious sects exist in the world. The enlightened preach religion, pure religion but it branches off into sects. What the enlightened men have said has not been understood correctly. As it travels from them to you, truth becomes untruth and is misconstrued. No sooner do you hear something than you become involved in it and your mind gives it its own interpretation. You implant your own interpretation, your own meaning; you twist it to suit yourself, this is the distinction between real religion and sects

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